Monday, June 15, 2015

Coffee and Champagne

5 year old : "Ms. Miller, you are so lucky you get to drink hot cocoa during lunch"

Me: "I think I'll have hot coffee today"

6 year old: "Ms. Miller, i think you should have champagne instead"

Some days in your life call for coffee.  The days where you need something warm, some motivation, or perhaps a quick jolt.  They may be the days you don't want to get out of bed, or the weather is telling you it is alright to wear your pj's all day long.  Those are the days you need coffee...

Some days in your life call for champagne.  They may be the days where you are celebrating; a special event, or a special person.  They are the days where you put on a beautiful dress and a fun pair of heels and toast to the special something.  Those are the days you need champagne...

Some days in your life call for coffee and some call for champagne.

When all else fails, drink both!